
Monday, October 28, 2013

Sexual Gatekeepers (a thesis teaser)

Oh boy! A thesis teaser!
Here is a rough draft of a paragraph from my thesis. This paragraph will most likely change (drastically) for obvious reasons, but it's too good not to share.

One of the central metaphors in the discussion of female sexuality and purity is that of the sexual gatekeeper. In this illustration of abstinence, young women are the gatekeepers of their virginity. In order to protect their virginity from lustful, ravenous men, women are to dress and behave modestly. They must monitor their behavior to ensure that they do not excite the lust of men and therefore endanger the sacred virginity. In this metaphor, women are detached from their sexuality. Part of staying pure is to not engage with ideas of sexuality outside of matrimony. Within this metaphor, when women do not properly guard their flower they are then blamed. There is also the implication that the gate to the pleasurable garden of her vagina cannot be locked again until she recommits herself to a life of second virginity. However, the narrative of second virginity typically relies upon a sexual trauma or violence occurring before the young women recommits herself to life a purity. An implication of that narrative in conjunction with the gatekeeper metaphor is that once the gate to sex is opened it cannot be closed without revirginization. As such, a young woman might as well create some nice walking paths and start charging for entrance because she is now a whore. 

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